My First Earnings with ZLio

They say that boosting your earnings online by blogging about it pisses off some of your blog's visitors and as well as your rss subscribers. However, I could not help it but boost and blog my first earnings with ZLio. My purpose here is to share to my visitors that they too can have a passive income by creating their own zlio shops and by building their network too.

I do not know with the other zlio members but I am proud to tell you that I was just paid $13.48 sent straight to my PayPal account last 3 days ago.The image below will show you the proof of my earnings and payment.

Part of this earnings is coming from my own shop the EGadgets and the rest is coming from the shops of my referrees. The ZLio's referral program is so good because you will earn a commissions of 10% from your first level and 5% from your 2nd level. These earnings incurred by your referees will be shared to you forever.

I know this is great news for you because becoming a member of ZLio is absolutely free. Yes it is free to join ZLio. And Hey! before I forget, your ZLio shops can be embeded also with your google adsense campaign. That is simply amazing , isn't it? Just like killing two birds in one stone.

So, as an act of your gratefulness in learning this great opportunities here in my blog I ask you to please be one of my referees of ZLio by clicking here? Thanks a lot and Good Luck!