Thank you everyone who posted comments to me today I was so tickled to read them all!! I think all your good vibes helped me because I wasn't nervous once the segment started. As soon as I started talking the nerves went away.
I was thrilled to see I was on the show with Marc Morrone the pet guy. I am so sad to hear his baby parrots that got stolen, what nasty people! grrr! But it was a thrill to see him and his other pets on the set. You all know how much I love animals. It was torture that I couldn't snuggle them! There was that sweet pug and those kittens! oh my!
I love how much Martha loves animals. Paul was sitting in the audience and he told me that before Martha filmed the segment with Marc she climbed right in there with all the animals snuggling the parrots and the critters not worrying at all about her outfit. Love that!
I only got to meet Martha right before my segment and then said a couple words afterwards to her because she was off to finish the last segment of the show. But I loved getting to spend time in her space and had a super time. I do remember having a great time. I do not remember much about what I said or did. I do recall them holding up the cue card for me to wrap it up and for a moment I thought, oh no I have to hurry, but then next thing it was over!
Paul managed to take a few pics while we were practicing before the show, for some reason these are a touch blurry I think our camera is dying!

I am trying to remember everything and worrying I will forget a crucial step!
Thanks to the gals who let me know that if you missed the show today you can catch it (Thursday at 8pm EST or Friday at Noon EST) on the Fine Living Network. Also the Martha Stewart Web Site should post video soon. I will let you know when it is up!
Ok I am off to bed! what an incredible day this was!!!