Since Friday I have been in a whirlwind getting ready for the Martha Stewart Show. I just about have all the step outs created and have to get a few more things ready. Don't worry if you are one of my custom artwork clients, your artworks are still on schedule. I worked nearly 24/7 this weekend so I wouldn't miss a beat this week with my custom artwork orders!
Even though I am ahead of schedule there is still a lot of work to do, especially because I want to make sure everything is perfect. I have no idea if I'll be able to get to the store to try to find a new shirt or two. Thankfully sweet Megan at Harrilu has come to my rescue, she is shipping to me a few of her super cute shirts so I will have them to bring with me! thank you Megan!
I am slathering Skin MD natural shielding lotion on my hands every couple of hours. Hopefully this will whip my hands into shape so they won't look so horrible on the show. Normally my hands are always covered in paint and gel medium so they get really dry and sad looking!
I am off to bed - another busy day tomorrow!