all about the eyes

When Paul got home from work today we ventured off to get our annual eye exams over with.

I spent all of this week worrying about that darn glaucoma test that they do. I hate, hate, hate that puff of air machine. It makes me crazy. I break out in a sweat just thinking about it.

Whenever I try to do the test, my eyes start blinking really fast in anticipation. Which then it makes the technician really mad because she has to do the test 3 or 4 times just to get it right. So this year I got smart. I asked for the old fashioned eye drop glaucoma test rather than the puff of air. Those drops sting, but they are much better in my book. I would rather have my eyes feel like they got soap in them any day over that horrible puff of air machine!

Paul and I had fun trying on really nerdy eye glasses while we waited. We found this horrible pair that was $150! Which of course we tried on right away. We laughed so hard we made quite the
spectacle out of ourselves. A good time was had by all at the LensCrafters in Kissimmee!