
My car is back from the shop! The AC only needed freon so thankfully it was not the compressor.


It is so nice to have my little car back home, I missed it even though I never drive it anywhere. It is my new vow to drive it a little bit more. I got lectured at the dealer that it needs to get out more to keep things running correctly. Usually I sequester myself at home so I can get work done, so I can easily go a full week or more without driving it. And if it weren't for Toby and walking him a few times a day I am sure I could end up spending a full week inside the house!

Speaking of work..... here are two custom Sitting Pretty Poppet® figures that I just finished up tonight of a brother and sister. Aren't these kids cute? Eating popsicles too, yummy. Perfect for summer! (click image to enlarge)

Just got done watching American Splendor thanks to Netflix. Paul didn't want to watch it with me, but I convinced him to and he ended up enjoying it. Good movie!!

Have a great weekend everyone!