Today, I ran errands, went to the vet, made phone calls and worked on custom artwork orders. I filled a few orders from my Etsy store too. It's time to stock up on more artwork for my Etsy store, I'll have to try to add some more this weekend! Yay!
I talked to my rep Jen for a long time on the phone. To the right is a mini set of Sitting Pretty Poppets® that I made of her & her hubby and their 2 three-legged kitties Wilbur and Napoleon. (click image to enlarge).
I was telling her all about how much I love This American Life and now they have a podcast version of their show. I can listen to it while I walk Toby (which takes forever because he is very slow and pokey). She had never heard the show before so I talked endlessly about how much I love it and that she needs to try it out and listen to the episode "The Super" first. One of my favs. Paul and I listened to that episode on our flight to Italy and we were cracking up so much people actually turned around to look at us. Ooops!