At first the news was good, my car was fixed! So Paul and I went down to get it.
Then when I am there picking it up the guy says to me. Have you had trouble with your AC? I say no, it was working (like everything else!) on Thursday. He says take a look at this, so we sit in the car for 10 minutes waiting for the AC to work. no AC. ugh!!! Is this bad luck or what!?
Maybe it will be covered under my warranty, but for every new thing they fix under the warranty, there is a new $250 deductible. So far I am at about $750 in deductibles. Still A LOT cheaper than paying full price but this is quickly becoming an expensive week!
So I ended up getting a free loaner from the VW place and drove that home. It's a new Passat and it doesn't have a key, you plug this cartridge thing into a socket and then the car starts. I really do not like that. I like to feel like I am turning a key. This car is the complete opposite of my car, it has power everything. Even the parking brake is a button instead of a lever. My Beetle is just about all manual. All the windows etc all have to be rolled down by hand. So this Passat feels totally foreign. It's fun to drive it around for a little bit, but I wouldn't trade my Yellow Beetle for anything even if it has cost me a bundle this week!
Here's a silly photo of Mabel that I snapped. The look on her face echoes mine when I was at the dealer and he tells me yet another thing is wrong with my car! LOL!
NOTE: I have heard all the VW Beetle horror stories. I know they tend to break down a lot. But I have had my beetle for 7 years and this is the first time it has had anything wrong with it. However, it does only have 28,000 miles on it because it doesn't go anywhere!