I framed up 5 artworks for the City Hall show. And I cut the wood for 7 more (only 20 more to go!). I am back to cutting by hand, but it's not so bad. It took me about 20 minutes to cut the wood for 7 artworks. Maybe I will get brave and buy a table saw. I don't know. I was all set to buy one on Saturday and then this weekend in the paper they had a story about home improvement nightmares where people sawed off arms and stuff and then I got scared again.
I also worked on a submission for a Lark Books book, here's a sneak peek at a part of one of the images above. I had fun working on it with the new kit papers from Scrap in Style, love them!
In other exciting news, I bought a bathing suit this weekend from Target and Paul and I are going to the beach on July 4th. I am slathering the self-tanning cream on so my legs won't be so frightening. Let me tell you, they are really, really white.