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it's tuesday!
Exciting news! Mabel won the Sleeping Pet Photo Contest. I have a hunch the dachshund got disqualified for ballot stuffing. Last I checked the dachshund had 13000 votes or something to Mabel's 300 votes. But Mabel's were REAL votes so she WON! Thank you for voting for her. I am a proud momma. Check her out in the Winner's Circle here.
Images from my day:
Stan found my ribbon tub without the lid on. Busted!
A super duper package came from Scrap in Style TV. It's their August kit and it's so yummy. Lime green and red with polka dots!! I can hardly contain myself.
In other Tuesday news.... I finished sprucing up my custom artwork area of my web site. I think it is even more user friendly, at least I hope so. Also worked on some custom artworks in the studio and framed 3 more pieces for the city hall show. Only 3 more to frame! whew!!