Only once I put him outside did I think to get a photo because I am worried it was a poisonous snake. So I ran in the house grabbed the camera and ran back out before he could slide away. Above is my blurry photo of him.
Anyone know what type of snake this is?? I looked on Florida Snakes, but they are no help. I hope I put him far enough away from the house so he doesn't come back!!
EDITED 8:30PM: Ok! I *think* I figured out what snake it was! It's an Eastern Hognose. On the Florida Snakes web site it says the babies are blue/grey with brown spots and they do this thing where they play dead when a predator is nearby. That's exactly what I found him doing when I found Stanley messing with him. I think this guy is it! whew! Glad I met him when he was a baby the adults can be 30" long! ick!