workshop day two

It's been a great two days so far here in Cortona. Yesterday I did the color part of the workshop, where we mixed colors and then we did a tag book round robin, lots of fun! Today we got started on our projects for the week, working in 3-d using cigar boxes.

Tomorrow we'll go to Niki de Saint Phalle gardens (photo at right), and I can hardly wait. I have been wanting to see the gardens forever. I am so excited!!! yay!!! After we get back I have a little project planned where we'll create our own versions of sculptures inspired by the gardens.

I'm still sick, it's turned into a nasty sinus infection but luckily I brought a stash of antibiotics with me so that has been helping.

We haven't yet found an internet cafe that will let us download photos -- we even did a couple small video clips! So I'll have to post those when I get home.

It's hard for me to get time to post because it's really busy with the classes all day, so I'll post in a couple days!