Last night we said good-bye to everyone. I was so sad that the workshop was over, we all bonded so much, it was like the end of summer camp leaving everyone. We don't kow when I'll back to teach a workshop in Cortona, so it was extra sad good-bye to that cute little town!
Now we're in Rome to vacation for a couple days, then home on Wednesday! It's hard to find Internet here because our hotel doesn't have a computer we can use. So I'll try to do at least one more post before we leave.
We're looking forward to taking it easy here in Rome, no more rushing around. I have to say even though I loved teaching the workshop in Cortona and it was an amazing experience, I am totally exhausted. I slept for 4 hours as soon as we got to our hotel here. Only just got up for a quick peek at the Pantheon and then now we're off to dinner and an early night.
The food here has been amazing, epsiecally since I am more of a pastatarian than a vegetarian! I never thought I'd say this but I am getting tired of pasta. I am craving Thai food like you would not believe. I think when we get home it's going to be Thai, Japanese, and Vietnamese every night for a few days!