I usually wake up at this point, all exited fresh from my dream thinking of this new found space that was there all along, and then I wake up fully and am disappointed to realize it was just a dream. I can't even remember how many times I have had this same dream.
I am sure it means something very deep symbolically or maybe it just means I really want a nice big studio!
The other night I had a house dream but this time with a twist. This time we were moving to a new house but the new house turned out to be much smaller than I had thought when buying it. And upon arriving at the new house I realize there is no place for me to have my special studio -- all the space is already taken and that there are belongings that are not mine there, a grand piano, antique furniture. I remember saying in the dream "how did this happen!!"
This time I was relieved to wake up and find my house just the size it is!