I managed to get quite a bit of work done too and 3 new commissions started! If you were thinking about ordering a custom artwork for Valentine's day, I'll need your order by Feb 1st to get it done in time.
Here's a commission that I just finished up for this gal and her family! There was a funny story about her kitty climbing up a tree so I made sure she was in the tree in the artwork.
Here's a commission that I just finished up for this gal and her family! There was a funny story about her kitty climbing up a tree so I made sure she was in the tree in the artwork.
I can tell tomorrow is going to be busy already, I have to drive Paul to work at 4am because his car is in the shop, and I'll need our one remaining car to run errands. It looks like Toby has an eye infection brewing so I'll need to get the vet squeeze us in and then I have a hair appt (gotta get those roots done for CHA!), then back downtown to pick up Paul and hopefully his car will be fixed, it is taking forever!! Whew I am tired already!