I am hard at work on commission orders for the holidays. I put up the deadlines for ordering on my web site. I'll need all the materials: order form, photos and payment by December 5th for Canvas commissions and Dec. 10th for sketch commissions, but the sooner you get your order in the better! It's so hard for me to figure out a good cut-off date. I need enough time to work on them before shipping but also everything needs to ship out by the 19th to make sure it will make it in time. So it's difficult to figure out.
Here's a canvas commission that I finished up of this cute gal. It's for her 30th birthday and she wanted lots of elements included to represent the first 30 years of her life. She's lived in many locations, was a biology teacher, has a son and a husband and a new baby on the way, and is a scrapbooker and an avid gardener. I was pleased with the way it came out. I got all the aspects of her life into a cute little piece!